The VetsepcTM uses Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) to treat Equine Orthopedic Disorders like bone spavin, stifle problems, Navicular syndrome, suspensory ligament injury, arthritis, splints, chronic lameness, and more.
Focused pressure waves are generated outside of the body and travel through fluid and soft tissue to treat the affected sites within the body. These waves will only target sites where there is a change in impedance such as the bone-soft tissue interface. This results in a release of kinetic energy at the junctions, which cause tissue alteration.
Recent studies have demonstrated that shock waves induce neovascularization at the tendon-bone junction, ultimately relieving pain, improving blood flow, tissue regeneration, and repair.
The power unit connects to any standard wall outlet with no additional requirements. It is a stand-alone unit that can easily be lifted and placed in any vehicle. No installation is required.
What to expect
75% of horses treated with the VetspecTM show marked improvement in daily activity. One treatment is
often sufficient, but for soft tissue injuries up to 3 treatments in a 3 week period is required for ultimate results.
- User-friendly
- Compact and Mobile
- No Imaging required
- Sedation is optional
- Resume exercise and daily activity immediately
- Improves performance
- Treatment takes 20 minutes
- Insurance coverage
For more information, please Contact Us.